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Propeller Ads Review and Payment Proof| for sock rom go to rompure.com

Posted by Rom Flash Media on Monday, November 20, 2017

Have you been disapproved from Adsense? Did you know that Google Adsense don't accept Gaming Sites,  Video Sites, gambling sites and adult sites?

If you have any of these sites above and you wish to monetise it,  then Propeller Ads is the best solution.
Propeller ads is one of the fastest growing advertising company, which promises 100% traffic monetization. Propeller Ads delivers better performance to advertisers and higher revenue to Publisher.

Propeller Ads Review 

For Publisher

100% traffic monetization

We maximize your income by efficiently monetizing global web and mobile traffic across all devices and platforms with highest eCPM rates.

Best offers from around the world

Combine a comprehensive list of direct advertisers with advanced optimization technology and what do you get? The highest revenue from the most relevant ads for all your online content.

Easy start, quick approve

With our publisher’s dashboard you can monetize your traffic in less than five minutes, track your revenue with in-depth reports, and benefit from ad channel management tools.

Live Support 

Quality live support to answer your questions and fix ads problems concerning your site. 

For Advertisers

Reach and convert your audiences across desktop and mobile around the globe

International publisher network

More than just being the best we are also one of the biggest ad networks, with over 700M daily advertising impressions across the globe.

Experts in performance marketing

We have launched thousands of CPA, CPL, and CPM campaigns since 2011 and we are growing our reach every day. Our team are experts in conversion tracking and results optimization.

Advanced optimization and targeting

We have everything you need for a successful campaign including a wide range of optimized ad units, flexible targeting opportunities, and the best account managers in the business.


Ads Format
Propeller Ads offers Various ads format for their publisher so as to gain higher revenues 

1. OnClick PopUnder Ads

OnClick PopUnder Ads is one of the top paying as format with upto CPM rate (up to $10). It’s because you get paid for each ad impression and works effectively on  PC and mobile devices.
Entertainment websites, app downloads, adult and games gaming sites have higher CPM rates. 

2. Mobile Ads

If you receive huge traffic from Mobile devices then Mobile ads will be a good choice. Propeller Ads offers two types of mobile ads: Mobile Dialog Ads and Mobile Interstitial Ads (advanced mobile banner ads).

3. Banner Ads

Banner ads works perfectly on sites receiving huge traffic impression. The best performing banner ads by Propeller Ads are ad units of sizes: 300×250 and 728×90. Other available ad units are: 468×60, 120×600, 160×600, 800×600, 800×440, and 320×50. Feel free to create the ad unit size that fits in your website. 

4. Slider Ads

Slider Ad is a special banner ad that fades in at the bottom of a web page. The user may decide to close as it is visible even if he/she is scrolling up or down.

6. Direct Ads

Direct Ads (or Direct Links) is a unique ad unit in which publishers are given a URL to promote. You get paid for each click on the link.  You can promote your Direct ads by using promotional clickable banner, tricky link in post so as to entice your blog visitors to click on the ink.
This works best on App Download and Movie Website.

7. Video Ads

Have a video website and you wish to monetise your site,  then Video Ads format is best to use. Propeller Ads offers three video ad spots: Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll, and Pre-Game.

8. Direct Placement 

This allows you to use propeller Ads with submitting any website. You can use it on any of your websites or blogs and start earning. 

Payment Proof. 

Minimum payment For Propeller Ads is $50 for PayPal payments ,$100 for Payoneer, $500 for wire transfers.
Offers various payment method likeWire, Payoneer,EPESE, Webmoney


Telephone: +4402032864880
Email: contact.us@propellerads.com


Propeller Ads is really a means to monetize your website but don't ever use Propeller Ads with Adsense because you will get your Adsense banned.  Adsense don't like pop up ads so it's better you use Propeller Ads with other Ad Networks like Bidvertiser,  Wingo Ads etc. 

Have any questions,  feel free to ask using the comments 


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