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Kitchen Duct Cleaning – Why Calling In the Professionals Matters

Posted by Rom Flash Media on Friday, April 22, 2016

When you work in a professional catering environment, it’s pretty safe to say that you’ll have a higher understanding of the importance of good hygiene than most. The reason being that cleanliness plays a massively important role in literally every element of the business from top to bottom and can therefore never be considered an afterthought. Nevertheless, there are certain bits and pieces of the puzzle that cannot and will not be addressed without taking on the necessary help from the professionals. One example of such a job would be commercial kitchen duct cleaning which is the kind of thing there’s really no getting away from if you want to keep your business in-line with UK laws and legislation.

The biggest problem with these kind of bigger jobs is the way in which they tend to be approached as ‘boxes to tick’ when circumstances necessitate and not before. Or in other words, it’s not until things fall into a pretty poor state of repair that most tend to bother giving their ducts and extractors a second thought, but this is exactly the kind of approach that breeds both bad business and overspending.

commercial kitchen duct cleaning

Of course, those offering such services will advise that this kind of cleaning be carried out as regularly as possible, but along with simply ticking the necessary legal boxes, what exactly are the benefits of regular and professional kitchen duct cleaning?

A More Pleasant Environment

Well, right off the bat comes the fact that when a kitchen duct system isn’t able to do its job properly, it breeds a less than pleasant working environment for everyone. It really doesn’t take much for an extraction system to begin adversely affecting the temperature of the kitchen, its humidity levels and so on, while at the same time pumping all manner of nasty smells back into the place. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is not the best way to go when it comes to running a responsible modern business, so in the interests of maintaining a pleasant working environment that’s a pleasure to spend time in and do your job in, it’s more than worth investing in professional duct cleaning.

Pleasant Environment

Compliance with Law

This was touched upon above but definitely warrants a second mention as the moment you find yourself in a position where you’re putting the health of your workers at risk, you face the prospect of being shut down…or worse. If you’re working in a setting where the Food Hygiene Act and the Health and Safety Act apply, there’s a heck of a lot more to keep tabs on than the obvious duties of keeping surfaces clean and ensuring everybody washes their hands. If the air itself isn’t clean and sanitary, then nor is anything you do across the board, so in order to make sure you don’t end up with the kind of legal headache from which there may be no coming back, it pays to call in the pros from time to time.

Efficient Operation

As is the case with largely any and every piece of electrical equipment in the world, cleanliness and good maintenance means more efficient operation. As such, unless you are getting your electricity 100% free of charge…which of course you are not…then it’s a good idea to think from time to time about how much juice your extractors and the like are sucking up…quite literally. If they are in a poor state of repair, they could be using up to 50% more energy than they actually need and thus costing you a fortune over the long term. By contrast, keep them in good working order with the help of the pros and you need never overspend needlessly on energy again.

Efficient Operation

Lower Replacement and Maintenance Costs

Last but not least, you might not feel as if you’re actually saving money when the day comes to call in the pros, but eventually you will. The reason being that when you look after a kitchen extraction and ventilation system to the highest possible level, you inherently reduce the number of times you will have to have it repaired over any given period. And what’s more, you also massively extend the life of the system and thus rule out having to have it replaced before its time. Take the time to consider how much it would cost to have the whole system ripped out and replaced in comparison with the costs of having it looked over and cleaned every once in a while by the professionals – chances are you’ll get the point pretty quickly.


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