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Introduction videos for Android Things

Posted by Rom Flash Media on Thursday, April 6, 2017

I found two Youtube videos good for Android Things, published by The Linux Foundation.

Android Things: High Level Introduction - Anisha Dattatraya & Geeta Krishna, Intel Corporation

An overview of the basic concepts behind Android things and its structure and components is presented. Upon completion of this session, you should have a good overview of how Android Things brings simplicity to IoT software and hardware development by providing a simple and secure deployment and update model. This presentation provides the context needed for the Android Things Tutorial and other deep dive sessions for Android Things.

About Geeta Krishna
I've been involved in Unix based OS development since the 1990s. Most of my career has been spent in system level development of High Availability and Distributed Systems software technology. More recently, I have taken on Engineering Management roles for Tizen In Vehicle Infotainment and Intel's Reference Design for Android. I currently work for Open Source Technology Center at Intel Corporation and am Engineering Manager for Android Things.

Android Things - Karim Yaghmour, Opersys Inc.

While Android has shipped in more than a billion phones and has made its way into countless hmi systems, its uses have remained user-centric; that, despite some community attempts over the years to show that it can be used in headless systems. Google changed all that by introducing Brillo and Weave, and later announcing Android Things as the successor to Brillo. By using an Android-based system to venture head on into the world of IOT, Google has chosen to leverage its success in one ecosystem to help shape a completely different one. This talk will look at how Android Things builds on what Brillo was and how Android Things can be used to create Android-based IOT devices.

About Karim Yaghmour
Karim is part serial entrepreneur, part unrepentant geek. He's most widely know for his O'Reilly books: "Building Embedded Linux Systems" and "Embedded Android". As an active member of the open source community since the mid-90's, he pioneered the world of Linux tracing with the Linux Trace Toolkit and introduced Adeos, one of the first nanokernels/hypervisors for Linux. As part of his work, he's had the privilege of working with teams from a wide range of fields, from enterprise to embedded.


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